
White Wednesday~

Another White Wednesday is upon us so I thought I would give you a peek into my booth at the antique mall. A few months ago, I downsized from a booth size of 11x20 to a teeny tiny little booth of 7x8. I didn't realize how difficult it would be to have such a small space. If you put too much in it, everything gets lost! If you don't have enough then your sales are terrible! Go Figure...Anyway, here a just a few pics of the recent re-do since the Holidays.

Check out the other White Wednesday participants at Kathleen's blog.


  1. I understand your dilema and so true. You've got some great things. Had a blast hanging out with you and Linda, let's do it again real soon!

  2. Hello
    LOve the banner! Your booth looks amazing and it is so clever how you photographed it through the mirrors.

  3. your booth looks lovely... i remember when i had my "boothlet"~~even smaller than yours. it was a challenge for sure. won't be long now til we'll be seeing you in warrenton!



  4. Ah Lisa, Your banner is the sweetest! I am sure your booth looks amazing even if you had to downsize! You have such a wonderful style. I may be seeing you in Warrenton!


Leave me a message, I enjoy reading your thoughts. Thank You~

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